Americorps Vista Member Job Description


Author: Lisa
Published: 3 Jan 2019

AmeriCorps VISTA Program: Building Capacity in the U.S, Technical assistance for the AmeriCorps project, AmeriCorps: Building a Community of Volunteers to Aid Poverty Elimination and more about americorps vista member job. Get more data about americorps vista member job for your career planning.

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AmeriCorps VISTA Program: Building Capacity in the U.S

Over 220,000 AmeriCorps members have joined the fight against poverty by helping local organizations expand their capacity to make change. The VISTA program is available in all 50 U.S. states and all U.S. territories. AmeriCorps VISTA members serve full time for a year.

They help nonprofits and public agencies by building capacity, encouraging volunteer service at the local level, and empowering individuals and communities. The leaders of the AmeriCorps VISTA program work to increase the capacity of individual members at their service sites. The leaders have demonstrated their skills and leadership in community service by serving with any AmeriCorps program or Peace Corps.

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Technical assistance for the AmeriCorps project

Technical assistance will be provided by the AmeriCorps region office. The average time from initial contact to final decision is three to five months.

AmeriCorps: Building a Community of Volunteers to Aid Poverty Elimination

AmeriCorps helps people and communities implement grassroots solutions to alleviate poverty. The program was founded in 1965, and it places individuals at nonprofits and public agencies that are fighting, improving health services, reducing unemployment, increasing housing opportunities, reducing recidivism, and expanding access to technology for those living in rural and urban areas of poverty. AmeriCorps members who serve full time for a year help build the capacity of non–profit organizations by raising funds, helping manage projects, and recruiting community volunteers. More than 177,000 individuals have served as VISTA volunteers since the program began, and they continue to give back to their country in a variety of ways.

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AmeriCorps*VISTA: A Program for Volunteering in Service to America

AmeriCorps VISTA is a program that helps alleviate poverty. VISTA was founded in 1965, and was incorporated into the AmeriCorps network in 1993. VISTA is acronym for Volunteers in Service to America.

VISTA was created by the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 to help people who were poor. Initially, the program increased employment opportunities for people who felt they could contribute to the War on Poverty. Volunteers served in communities throughout the U.S., focusing on enriching educational programs and training for the nation's underprivileged classes. VISTA was brought under the AmeriCorps program during the Clinton Administration, and was renamed "AmeriCorps*VISTA".

VISTA members are given a full-time term of service by a host agency. In return for their service, members are provided with orientation and training, a living stipend of at least 105% of the poverty line, child care benefits, and a basic health care plan. VISTA members can receive either a cash award or the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award after completing their one-year term.

AmeriCorps: A Community Service Network

Over 70,000 Americans are connected to AmeriCorps each year intensive service to meet community needs in education, the environment, public safety, health, and homeland security. AmeriCorps members serve with over 2,000 non-profits, public agencies and community organizations. Members serve in full or part-time positions.

Segal AmeriCorps members receive an education award of up to $4,725 if they complete their service. Part time members will receive an education award. The Segal AmeriCorps Education Award or an end-of-service stipend of $1,200 are available to VISTA members who choose to do so.

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AmeriCorps VISTA: Community Need Assessment and Development

The AmeriCorps VISTA member will be responsible for researching and completing community needs assessments for organizations that host OPEN-MSU VISTA members and for creating and expanding relationships with community partners of OPEN-MSU.

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