Aquatics Director Job Description


Author: Artie
Published: 27 Jan 2020

A Bachelor's Degree in Recreation and Management: Experience with Aquatic Activities, The Chief Program Officer of the Park District Aquatic and Sailing Programs and more about aquatics director job. Get more data about aquatics director job for your career planning.

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A Bachelor's Degree in Recreation and Management: Experience with Aquatic Activities

An aquatics director is responsible for the overall maintenance and operation of a pool facility, which can include a college aquatics complex, a pool at a YMCA gym, or a recreational community pool. Your responsibilities include hiring and training new employees to teach classes, promoting exercise in the community, creating a yearly budget, and assessing the efficiency of departments under your supervision. You may work under the supervision of the director of athletics in some jobs.

If you want to become an aquatics director, you need to have experience in aquatics instruction or management. The aquatics directors work their way up from being lifeguards to taking on more responsibilities and eventually working in managerial positions. A bachelor's degree in recreation or an advanced degree in administration are some of the qualifications that can be used.

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