Assistant Head Of School Job Description
The role of vice-principals in school administration, Year Heads of Years, The challenges of assistant headteachers and more about assistant head of school job. Get more data about assistant head of school job for your career planning.

The role of vice-principals in school administration
Vice-principals wear more hats than assistant principals. They support the principal in the administrative operation of the school. They may plan for teachers and testing.
They can supervise lunch, hallways, and special events. They may look at teachers. The assistant principal is the one who must be ready to take over the responsibilities of the school principal in the event of an illness or absence.
The assistant principal's position can be a stepping stone to the principal's job. More than one assistant principal is usually employed by mid-size to large schools. They may be assigned a grade level.
The assistant principals may be responsible for a specific task. As a school administrator, assistant principals work all year. Most assistant principals start their careers as teachers.
See our study on Office Staff career planning.
Year Heads of Years
A teacher with additional responsibility as head of year or non teaching jobs in education roles as year head available independent or boarding sector, international school and large state run secondary and primary schools inner cities. An effective year group leader works with the whole school community, attends meetings with heads of department and senior leadership team, and also has contact with external social services. They have several meetings with year form tutors each year and pass on information about students and social events.
As a school year leader, they are responsible for the wellbeing of their students. The school senior leadership team is the only ones who have regular contact with certain parents and external agencies. Year heads organize events for the year group to participate in, such as a sporting event for the year 10 group or a 3 day trip to an outdoors centre for the whole year 7 group.
Ensuring students achieve to the best of their ability is one of the objectives of the job objectives role. The pastoral management of pupils is provided by the head of form year. You need to create a head of year action plan for the year group at the school.
The challenges of assistant headteachers
The assistant headteacher role is a very high-profile one, with the beginning of power and influence, and even a car park, all of which are very desirable. An assistant headteacher will be expected to lead. In a large secondary, you could expect to find three assistant headteachers, each of whom would look after pastoral, data, or teaching and learning.
When applying for roles, you should look at the school structure to see if assistant headteachers fit in to the chain of command. A classroom teacher, head of year, head of department or faculty, and then assistant headteacher are some of the typical paths to assistant headteacher. An assistant headteacher is someone who can consider the whole-school impact of a change.
If you want to become an assistant headteacher, you need to start thinking like one. If you spend time with people from different areas of the school, you will have a better idea of how the school is run. James Malone is deputy headteacher of a primary school in Stockport and he warns about the difficulties that can crop up when taking on an assistant headteacher role.
You need to hit the ground running when you're an assistant headteacher. You are expected to be a leader, set high standards and be a role model. The Outstanding Leaders Partnership offers courses that may be suitable for you to take and then prepare you for a leadership position.
Mark Roberts is an assistant headteacher. Some aspects of the job will be hard to prepare for. Sarah Barker, assistant headteacher of the school, said that you can't prepare for the daily parts of the role.
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