Associate Editor Job Description


Author: Loyd
Published: 9 Mar 2020

Associate Editors in Publications, Editorial Functions and Conflict of Interest in the Journal Publishing Process, Writing for News and Media, Associate Editors: A New Challenge for Publishing Professional and more about associate editor job. Get more data about associate editor job for your career planning.

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Associate Editors in Publications

An associate editor is usually an editor who helps a senior editor with writing, editing and selecting content. The job description can be different depending on the publication. An associate editor needs an undergraduate degree in journalism, communication or a specialized field to be relevant to the publication.

Employers that require a degree and years of editorial experience are rare. There are many jobs in newspapers, magazines, websites and journals. The duties of an associate editor are dependent on the publication.

The associate editor's job description outlines some of the responsibilities. The senior editor might need to help with the day-to-day aspects of the publication, such as selecting articles and images. If the publication accepts submissions from writers, photographers and videographers, they might have to coordinate their activities.

Any industry, company organization that publishes documents on a regular basis can find associate editor jobs. A science journal might hire associate editors to work with a team of science editors to review and select high-quality submissions for publishing. Government publications that educate people on local policies and events might hire editors to gather information and decide where to put articles and pictures.

Editors in popular publications often need extensive networking. The requirements for an associate editor position are a degree in the field and several years of journalism experience. An advanced degree in a field related to a topic is required for a topic-specific publication.

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Editorial Functions and Conflict of Interest in the Journal Publishing Process

It is important to identify and consider DURC throughout the research continuum before submission of manuscripts for publication. Editors will be faced with submissions that could be considered DURC and the challenges that come with handling them, even though journal editors do not have sole responsibility for the management of DURC. Many editors have no experience in considering the risks and benefits of publishing DURC.

It is difficult for editors and scientists to manage submissions that provide legitimate scientific contributions without censoring their communication because of potential harmful use because of the subjectivity of DURC. A contract may contain a lot of the above. The editor's appointment and grounds for dismissal should be specified in the contract.

Editors should take reasonable steps to ensure that confidential information is not used for the benefit of others. Editors should follow up on cases of confidentiality breeches by those involved in the peer-review process if they are not resolved. Conflicts of interest in publishing can be defined as conditions in which an individual holds conflicting or competing interests that could affect editorial decisions.

Conflicts of interest can be perceived or factual. Personal, political, financial, academic, or religious considerations can affect objectivity. One challenge for editors is to recognize the potential for biases in the publishing process and to take appropriate action when they are likely.

There are some types of conflict of interest. Editors, reviewers, editorial board members, editorial staff, and authors should be disclosed with any conflicts of interest. The intent of disclosure is to allow others to make an informed decision about the impact of potential conflicts of interest or bias.

Writing for News and Media

If you don't get much writing or management time in your current position, you can move up to a more senior editorial position by volunteering to write articles or produce stories. If you can't get that opportunity, you can get permission to write or produce for other media outlets that don't compete with your company. Write for trade magazines, your local newspaper or a nonprofit website. If you have a hobby, you can write for a magazine or make short videos for a website that will give you a byline.

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Associate Editors: A New Challenge for Publishing Professional

Entry-level publishing professionals are associate editors. They proof, edit, and fact-check their content, as well as check layout, update social media channels, and write short articles. They sometimes handle senior editorial duties.

Associate Editors in Media Editing

There is a huge demand for associate editors. The salary is competitive for a person with good academic qualifications and has strong experience in editing. Before you enter the field of media to get the best opportunity, you need to be familiar with the associate editor responsibilities and have experience in the related field.

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The Associate Editor of the Content Writers

The Associate Editor will be responsible for planning, editing, and proofreading the content written by the Content Writers. You will be responsible for making sure that the content is attractive to the target audiences.

Editorial Board of Review Editors

As an Associate Editor, you are expected to play a vital role in the growth and development of the specialty. You need to be part of a team of associate editors and also be in it. You are in charge of the peer-review process of the manuscripts.

You should form a Board of Review Editors within the first few days of your appointment as an Associate Editor. The Associate Editors are advised to look for the diversity while choosing the Review Editors in the aspects such as; gender balance, geographical spread, different foci of the research within the scope of specialty. They can be chosen from a variety of people.

The Review Editors are given attractive discounts in the Journal as they complete their review assignments, and they join the Editorial Board. The Associate Editors are encouraged to build a pool of Review Editors. Think about the research topic and the articles that will be written about it.

The research-proposed topics and abstract submissions for proposed contributions help for a better research focus. The research topics must be hosted by at least 2 Editors. The review process is overseen by the Editors.

Detailed article on Cashier Associate career guide.

The Editor-in Chief of an Editorial Company

The highest-ranking member of the editorial team is the editor-in-chief. They manage the team of writers and editors, determine the look and feel of the publication, decide what to publish and oversee the publication's operations and policies. An editor-in-chief can work for a newspaper, magazine, book publisher or academic journal, and they can also manage both digital and physical print publications for their company.

Editors-in-chief are usually named managing editor, editorial chief, publishing house director, publications manager and executive editor. Most editors-in-chief are full-time, part-time or temporary employees. The average salary for an editor-in-chief in the US is $76,501 per year.

The salary for an editor-in-chief depends on their education, experience, industry, size and location. Editors-in-chief work normal hours on Mondays through Fridays. An editor-in-chief may need to work overtime when they are close to a publication deadline or attend a social event.

You need a minimum of four years of college to become an editor-in-chief. Some employers may accept candidates with a degree in a specialized field that is relevant to the publication's primary content focus. A Bachelor's Degree in Education is acceptable to a magazine that publishes content for teachers.

You need to have relevant work experience to become an editor-in-chief. Most employers prefer candidates who have been in publishing for at least five years. Some publications prefer candidates who have experience in their industry.

Editorial flips: Why do editors have to pay?

The news that ScienceGuide brought in December stated that Elsevier was willing to compensate editors to prevent them from flipping their journal. A flip occurs when editors at an academic journal decide to leave their current publisher and start a new journal. The editors of the journal have been in negotiations with the publisher for over a year.

Their issues are the fact that most of the hard work of editors is not rewarded, the accessibility of academic output that was paid for by the taxpayer, and the value of reviewers. The editor in chief has final say on which articles get published in the journal and often editors form the social lubricant for the bumpy and over stressed academic peer review process. When repeated requests have gone unanswered, peers in their respective fields are asked to take a critical look at unpublished work.

She thinks there are two options. We can either pay editors a fair amount or not at all. The latter has its own drawbacks.

Editors mention a lot of reasons for compensation. The primary reason is that being an editor takes time, often in relation to the number of publications handled. The journal eLife is open about its finances.

The non-profit organisation founded by Randy Sheckman states that annual third of the publishing costs is spent on payments to editors. A total of almost $1 million was divided over three deputy editors, 39 senior editors and 300 reviewing editors. The website does not provide more information about the payment difference.

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