Commercial Diver Job Description
Commercial Divers, Medical Conditions and Restrictions for Commercial Passenger Vehicles, Commercial and Scientific Divers: Qualification, Experience & Opportunities, Commercial Divers: A Survey and more about commercial diver job. Get more data about commercial diver job for your career planning.

- Commercial Divers
- Medical Conditions and Restrictions for Commercial Passenger Vehicles
- Commercial and Scientific Divers: Qualification, Experience & Opportunities
- Commercial Divers: A Survey
- Diver Tenders: A Key Role of Dive Team Management
- A Career in Commercial Divers
- Commercial Divers: Opportunities and Challenge
- DIT: A Diver's Guide
- Divers Academy International: A Comprehensive Program for Commercial Diving Education
Commercial Divers
Naval divers are similar to offshore divers. They are very different from military divers. Naval divers clean boats.
They may be able to help in the recovery of crashed planes and ships. Commercial divers work for a variety of companies. The most common job for a commercial diver is to work for offshore oil and gas exploration and production companies.
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Medical Conditions and Restrictions for Commercial Passenger Vehicles
The health and safety of passengers and the public are of paramount importance to the drivers who provide commercial passenger vehicle services. Drivers must comply with any restrictions or conditions that may affect their fitness to drive a commercial passenger vehicle, and must notify us of any changes in medical conditions that may affect their fitness to drive a commercial passenger vehicle.
Commercial and Scientific Divers: Qualification, Experience & Opportunities
The oil and gas industry has offshore divers. Their responsibilities include exploring underwater in order to build and maintain structures for the production of oil and gas. Exposure to oil and gas components can cause compression sickness.
Nuclear divers work in hazardous material, but they dive in irradiated waters. Nuclear divers wear cold-water suits to prevent heat stress and use special equipment that does not absorb radioactiveContamination. Divers in many specialties, such as oil and gas, engineering and construction, often perform repairs and other maintenance activities, so they can use welding and power tools.
To become a commercial diver, you need to have a high school diploma or equivalency, between 18 and 35 years old, and have a dive physical with a licensed physician. The physical is used to certify the diver for commercial diving. Professional commercial divers need to have certification from a diving instruction school recognized by the ACDI.
You can be asked to have a transportation worker identification credential, as well as first-aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification, by some employers. Divers in certain specialties may need more qualifications. Scientific divers need degrees in a discipline such as marine biology or oceanography, and offshore divers may benefit from having an advanced degree in engineering, surveying or a related field.
Divers who work in engineering or construction may benefit from qualifications in welding or nondestructive testing. The water they work in can be very cold. Depending on the job site, offshore and media divers can spend two to six weeks at a time.
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Commercial Divers: A Survey
Commercial divers take pictures and video of things found under the water in lakes, rivers, oceans, and other bodies of water. Many businesses hire commercial divers for full-time and part-time work or hire commercial divers who work for themselves as independent contractors. Commercial divers work in a collaborative environment, working with a surface team that remains above the water and sometimes working with dive partners under the water. Commercial divers often travel to dangerous sites across the nation and report to their supervisor when they are done working.
Diver Tenders: A Key Role of Dive Team Management
Every dive team should have a diver medic. Every member of the team needs to be a qualified diver medic. A diver medic can assess patients, run drills, and verify emergency plans.
The ability to provide medical treatment immediately saves lives since dive teams work in isolation. Diving operations can be supported by diving tenders, which help with things like checking the divers equipment, managing lines, and dressing the diver. The dive tender is in constant communication with the diver and supervisor,relaying pertinent information related to the safety and success of the dive.
See also our column about Commercial Lending Officer job description.
A Career in Commercial Divers
Commercial divers are people who work underwater. They can perform maintenance on oil rigs, take photographs of underwater lifeforms, or conduct scientific research. They use a variety of tools and wear wetsuits.
Commercial divers can work in a number of fields, and the job responsibilities of a commercial diver can vary greatly from role to role. Commercial divers use specialized equipment to navigate deep bodies of water, so they are able to ensure health and safety while they work. Professional divers use specialized scuba gear, wetsuits, oxygen tanks, and other tools to keep their body temperatures from falling and to ensure they can continue breathing while performing their roles.
Commercial divers have a very different work schedule. Many days in a row without time off are possible for offshore divers, who are required to work overtime, any time of the day, any day of the week. Photography and research divers may work more hours and schedules.
The work schedule is dependent on the field of diving. Oil companies use the largest number of commercial divers to perform maintenance on their offshore oil rigs. Other employers of commercial divers include research facilities, federal, state, and local governments, magazines, and nuclear power plants.
To get a job as a commercial diver, you need to complete a postsecondary program. Commercial diving programs may lead to associate's degrees. While studying to become a commercial diver, students will learn how to use tools that help divers perform underwater maintenance tasks, how to use welders and other tools that help divers perform underwater maintenance tasks, and how to be safe while underwater.
Commercial Divers: Opportunities and Challenge
Some people think scuba diving to salvaged ships is a career in commercial diving. Commercial diving jobs are a lot of different. Dozens of industries use commercial divers, and their jobs draw upon a wide range of dive skills and expertise.
Commercial divers can find opportunities on offshore oil rigs. Oil rigs have many opportunities for underwater welding and underwater construction with their submersed structures and miles of underwater pipe lines. Bridges, tunnels, and dams are in constant need of divers and often require underwater welding and underwater construction jobs.
Bridges need to be inspected every five years depending on the age and integrity of the bridge. If a bridge has flooding, it must be closed and inspected before it can be used for traffic. Most people cross bridges everyday, but they don't know divers were under water that day.
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DIT: A Diver's Guide
Do you like the cold? Do you like a rough, MacGuyver-style job? Divers in Alaska are so remote that they have to figure out how to do something on the fly with what they have.
Divers Academy International: A Comprehensive Program for Commercial Diving Education
There are many jobs for commercial divers. Divers are in high demand in the marine construction, civil engineering, and global communications fields. Divers often choose roles of supervisor manager as they advance through their careers.
The same place is where you begin your journey: commercial diving school. The average salary for a commercial diver is $55,270. The dive technician salary is competitive, so you can get a quick return on your educational investment.
After graduating high school, many successful divers go straight to commercial diving school. If you are committed to learning, have good health, and are a strong swimmer, you can become a commercial diving student. If you are transitioning from another trade into commercial diving, you can use the skills you have learned on the job to help you succeed in school and your diving career.
A comprehensive commercial diving education will give you the skills you need to get into your career. The ideal age to begin your commercial diving career is between 18 and 35. A lot of factors affect those numbers.
Commercial diving is more difficult as you get older, but no concrete number applies to everyone. To evaluate whether you can take on the physical demands of commercial diving year after year, you need to know your own body and level of fitness. Being a competent swimmer is important to your safety as a commercial diver.
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