Community Habilitation Specialist Job Description


Author: Lisa
Published: 14 Feb 2019

A Sample Resume for a Habilitation Specialist, Rehabilitation for Children and Young People with Vision Impaired, A Behavior Team for Supporting Individuals in Residential Facilities and more about community habilitation specialist job. Get more data about community habilitation specialist job for your career planning.

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A Sample Resume for a Habilitation Specialist

The Habilitation Specialists help disabled clients live independently. The essential job duties of a Habilitation Specialist are to design and execute rehabilitation programs, hire and train staff, conduct client assessments, and create individualized treatment plans. Conflict resolution, excellent communication and people skills, knowledge of regulatory changes that may affect their programs, and leadership are some of the skills that a Habilitation Specialist example resume will show. Human services or health administration are the degrees that are displayed on most resumes in the field.

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Rehabilitation for Children and Young People with Vision Impaired

Children and young people with a vision impairment are trained in rehabilitation. It aims to develop their skills from their existing ones. The goal at any age is to maximize the child or young person's independence, opening the way for them to further study, employment and an independent life.

The specialist works with children and young people, their parents and their caretakers in a variety of settings. Children and young people with vision impairments can be trained in the use of alternative independence strategies. They help and advise the carers on alternative skill learning for the child as they grow up.

A Behavior Team for Supporting Individuals in Residential Facilities

A member of a behavior team is responsible for providing supports for individuals living in a facility or community based residential setting who are likely to encounter crisis events due to challenging behaviors.

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Community Habilitation Specialist Resume

A Community Habilitation Specialist is hired to provide care to individuals with disabilities based on the needs of the community. The Community Habilitation Specialist resume states that they should be able to provide individualized care to individuals with developmental disabilities, help people with activities of daily living, assist with proper maintenance of living areas, and help with all chores necessary to maintain a normal a living. The agency philosophy of Equal Opportunity, Independence and Realization of Individual Potential is Responsible for Imparting to clients, families, program staff, and community resources.

As a Community Habilitation Specialist, I am responsible for providing a functional assessment of a wide variety of life skills and provide appropriate feedback to program participants with regard to strengths, areas to develop, and barriers to overcome, and also using creative problem solving to help participants overcome barriers to independence. The program participants are provided assistance and training to help them develop necessary problem solving skills which will enable them to better function in their community living situation. The Community Habilitation Specialist with over five years of experience will accompany program participants to locations in the community to help them learn how to access and utilize community resources, including health and safety resources, and assist them in accessing recreational and social activities.

Thetive Family Service Worker

Thetive Family Service Worker is devoted to helping children and families deal with challenging situations. Well-versed in eligibility requirements. Works closely with local law enforcement, medical and court officials to handle wide-ranging matters on behalf of at-risk family groups.

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A Multi-Agent Position with Experience in Active Treatment

Appropriately relating to a variety of client personality types requires use of judgement and discretion in emergency situations. The incumbent must be knowledgeable of active treatment principles and be able to interact with a variety of external human services providers implementing Individual Program Plan objectives and functional skills plan delivery for the client population. The incumbent develops, in-service and implement habilitation objective training goals for home living, community living, academic and Vocational training for all consumers with a specified time frame.

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