Directory Assistance Operator Job Description


Author: Artie
Published: 6 Feb 2020

Free Directory Assistance, 118 800: A Data Aggregation Company for Ex-Directional Services, Directory Assistance Services, Per-Call Operator Services, 411 Operators: Customer Service, Customer Relations and the Role of Callers and more about directory assistance operator job. Get more data about directory assistance operator job for your career planning.

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Free Directory Assistance

The free directory assistance has been reduced. Availability is determined by your local phone company. Some companies give free service to customers who are unable to use the printed telephone directory.

Call your local phone company to inquire about directory assistance rates and policies. You can access directory assistance service by calling 411. Other directory assistance services require a different dialing pattern, such as a toll free number or a number that starts with 10.

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118 800: A Data Aggregation Company for Ex-Directional Services

Most systems recognize the location. The best result is played to the caller if they have high recognition confidence. If the caller is not confident, the request is played back to the live operator who will find the correct listing.

Telephone companies allow up to two listings per call. Some wireless carriers offer Enhanced Directory Assistance services. Residential customers can't get wireless numbers via 411.

The tariffs for wireline telephone service allowed subscribers to place a certain number of directory assistance calls for free each month. Telephone companies are charging subscribers for directory assistance calls. The Federal Communications Commission mandated that directory assistance be provided by telecommunication providers.

Companies paid the providers each time their phone number was released to a toll-free directory-assistance caller, after they requested their toll-free number be listed. The service of 4-1-1 queries is often done by a call centre. When a single carrier provided most of the services for a region, the data used to satisfy the search could only come from that carrier's subscriber rolls.

When the market is fragmented, the data must be aggregated by a data Aggregator. The dataggregation company distributes the data to the 4-1-1 services on a "live" basis, or periodically transfers large swaths of listings to the call center's systems for local searching. 118 800 was established in June of 2009, and it was found that it had bought 15 million mobile phone numbers from market researchers.

Directory Assistance Services

Telecommunication companies usually offer directory assistance services, which include an operator that can look for phone numbers of people, businesses or government bodies and connect the call for you. They are able to give other information such as email addresses and websites.

See our study on Finishing Operator career guide.

Per-Call Operator Services

Operator Services, such as person-to-person calling or collect calling, and Directory Assistance, locating a phone number, are available on a per-call basis. Check with a service representative for costs.

411 Operators: Customer Service, Customer Relations and the Role of Callers

411 operators provide directory assistance and must stay on their toes so they can quickly search databases, answer customer questions and think of alternate spellings of last names. Some callers feel frustrated and impatient when they dial "4-1-1" because they can't find the information their own. 411 operators must be calm and accommodating.

411 operators can help callers, but they don't provide emergency help themselves. Excellent customer service skills and experience with customer relations are what the job description for a 411 operator calls for. Directory assistance operators should be prepared to help callers who have complaints.

Some customers can't be solved by 411 operators. Operators might need to transfer callers to other departments or give phone numbers for additional service. Other callers need help finding phone numbers.

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Including Your Work History and Skills in your Directory Assistance Operator Resume

Remember to include your relevant work history and skills in your Directory Assistance Operator resume. If you're looking for an entry-level position or have been in your career for a while, exposing your achievements in your resume can help you stand out.

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