Humanities & Social Sciences Faculty Job Description


Author: Lisa
Published: 22 Jun 2021

The Future is Now, The Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, Humanities and Social Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, The Curriculum Committee and more about humanities & social sciences faculty job. Get more data about humanities & social sciences faculty job for your career planning.

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The Future is Now

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at UQ can help you explore your ideas and passions, looking at past and present game-changers to shape the future you want for yourself and your world.

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The Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law

The Faculty has a mandate to prepare and provide a quality education experience to help its students acquire knowledge and analytical skills, thus contributing to meaningful development of the region, South Africand neighboring countries. The Faculty is committed to excellence in scholarship and tuition, and to the ideals of human dignity, freedom of expression and the pursuit of knowledge that enables students to meet the growing needs of their communities and be prepared to face challenges in the changing world. The Faculty aims to equip those with an interest in community engagement with relevant scientific knowledge and skills and promote interest in and cultivate research proficiency as a precondition for developing a critical mass of scholars and researchers in the field of humanities.

The Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law aspires to become a prestigious Faculty that will become a Faculty of first choice for learners, by providing quality programmes handled by efficient professionals. The vision and mission of the faculty is aligned with the broader vision and mission of Walter Sisulu University and places emphasis on responding to the needs of the communities. The vision of the Walter Sisulu University is to be a leading African comprehensive university focusing on innovative educational, research and community partnership programmes that are responsive to local, regional, national development priorities and cognisant of continental and international imperatives.

Humanities and Social Science

The study of humanities focuses on the cultural factors of society in a more subjective way than the study of social science does. The study of humanities is thought to be more rational than the study of social sciences. Humanities is a discipline of science that questions the factors that make a person unique and helps tackle customs, heritage, culture, and values of the community.

It includes subjects like religion, primeval languages, history, present-day languages, performing arts, law, and philosophy. The study of Social science is found in the middle of natural sciences and humanities. Sociology is a branch of science that includes a lot of different subjects.

Karl Marx, Max Weber, and Emile Durkheim are acknowledged for their contributions to social sciences. The study of culture is considered an extensive subject of study under the humanities. The study of literature, history, art, archaeology, religion, politics, law, and so on are all humanities.

The study of humanitarian subjects helps emphasize the human and social characteristics of the sciences. The study of humanities is more descriptive than other sciences. The educational studies that provide intellectual knowledge are listed under humanities.

Music, theatre, visual arts, and other humanities activities are included in the subject. The field of humanities helps people with their knowledge. The republic would not flourish without humanities.

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Humanities and Social Sciences

Human aspects like politics, law, linguistics, economics, and psychology are dealt with in humanities and social sciences. The humanities and social sciences have different approaches to analytical and scientific thinking. It is considered a branch of study in between humanities and natural sciences because of the scientific approach to social sciences.

Sociology, anthropology, criminology, administration, archaeology, education, economics, psychology, linguistics, political science, law, and history are all related to social sciences. The study of humanities can be traced back to Greece. The concept of seven liberal arts was developed during the Roman times.

The study of humanities shifted in the 15th century. After the 15th century, humanities was seen as a subject to be studied rather than practiced. Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber are credited with giving a modern definition to social sciences.

The Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee has six faculty members, two from the Fine Arts, two from the Humanities, and two from the Social Sciences. Each member has a three-year term. The Committee is in charge of determining and announcing the dates for college meetings at the beginning of the academic year, and considering questions from faculty and administration that are not clearly within the jurisdiction of the other elected committees.

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Humanities and Social Sciences are very broad. The humanities and social sciences are part of it. You will learn a lot about philosophy, history, literature, religion, music, and the human condition in the humanities part.

Maturity Examinations in a Foreign Language

The maturity examination is only available to students who have a school language other than Swedish or Finn. The language used must be understood by the readers to be able to judge the candidate's competency in its use and the content of his or her essay. If you want to take your maturity examination in another language, please contact your department. If the student's school language is not Swedish or Finn, the maturity test is usually English.

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Social and Human Service Assistants

Social and human service assistants work with clients. They help clients recognize benefits and community services. They may also develop treatment programs. Anthropologists research, evaluate, and develop public policy regarding human origins, their development in terms of physical, social, linguistic, and cultural factors, and their behavior, plus their cultures and established organizations and institutions.

Business and Economics: How to Make Sense of the World

Harvard Business School Online is a great way to learn about business. Hear from experts about how they approach social issues. Understand how statistical methods, economic approaches, and big data can impact policies that lead to improved outcomes and greater economic opportunity around the world.

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The Chair of Humanities and Social Sciences

The Chair of Humanities and Social Sciences is responsible for leading the advancement of teaching, research, and service activities of the department. The chair is the primary liaison between the department and the college. The Chair will be an advocate for the department and will ensure that the interests of the department are understood at all levels of the University.

The Deanship of CORE Curriculum

The Deanship of CORE Curriculum offers a wide range of core academic courses that are available to meet the specific needs of individual degree programs. All students must successfully complete courses in each of the three College CORE fields to graduate. In addition to teaching, selected faculty will be involved in academic advising, curriculum development, preparing course syllabus, planning in-class activities, constructing student assessments, preparing exams, keeping grade records, holding regular office hours and other standard, non-teaching duties. Candidates need to provide a letter of promotion to the rank of associate and full professor.

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