Personnel Specialist Job Description


Author: Albert
Published: 26 May 2021

Human Resources Specialists, HRM - The role of line managers, Human Resources Specialists, Human Resources Specialists in the United States, Pay, Benefits and Auditing of the Navy and more about personnel specialist job. Get more data about personnel specialist job for your career planning.

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Human Resources Specialists

Human resources specialists are early career human resources professionals who are specialists within a specific support function, or are generalists with limited experience, according to the Society for Human Resources Management. Human resources specialists are usually tasked with the recruitment and placement of employees, so their job duties may include screening job candidates and conducting interviews, performing background checks and providing orientation to new employees. HR specialists may have other duties as well, such as benefits administration, employee retention, and the like.

HR specialists who specialize in certain areas may do so. Human resources specialists are employed by HR directors and managers. They usually consult with the management team to make sure the right candidates are hired.

Their job duties often involve consulting with the appropriate HR managers. Although considered to be an early career profession, HR specialists are still educated and qualified and must have a bachelor's degree in human resources, business management or a related field. The industries that are growing the fastest are likely to require HR specialists who can keep up with their hiring demands.

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HRM - The role of line managers

Traditional Personnel Management is more about attending line managers. HRM is integrated into the role of line managers with a bias towards business. The term personnel management has been replaced by HRM.

The term HRM has a different meaning in the UK, and is related to management activities and values that have been gaining attention. The personnel management role is being eroded as the responsibilities of management are being redefined to include managing people. The personnel management function is locked into an administrative role.

Human resources specialists help manage the department. They recruit, qualify, interview, and hire. Personnel specialists help with paperwork when a new employee is hired.

Personnel specialists can answer questions about policies and procedures. Others focus on strategic planning. Double-checking the correctness and completeness of all personnel documents is one of the primary responsibilities of a personnel specialist.

They make changes to personnel records when necessary. Personnel specialists make sure all forms are competed and that relevant information is included. Human resource managers often assign personnel specialists to do their work.

They give applicants information about the job, duties, and benefits. Personnel specialists interview applicants about their education and skills and screen for those with the best qualifications. Excellent customer service is an additional responsibility of personnel specialists.

They provide support to people. They can assist individuals with completing applications and beneficiary forms. Personnel specialists answer calls from customers and transfer calls to them.

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Human Resources Specialists in the United States

Administrative and clerical tasks are performed by personnel specialists. Human resources managers can use them for organizational development, employee records management, payroll processing and employee relations. Personnel specialists are involved with job applicants.

They give information about compensation and benefit programs. Personnel specialists can also help staff with personnel issues. Personnel specialists look for, screen, interview and sometimes test qualified job applicants.

They meet with managers to understand their staffing needs, get information about job expectations and create a job specification. Personnel specialists look for and find potential job candidates, facilitate the interview process, conduct reference checks and extend job offers to individuals. They help with the administration of compensation programs.

Personnel specialists handle inquiries from employees. Personnel specialists must have a good knowledge of their employer's policies and business model because they frequently discuss wages, working conditions and advancement opportunities within their company. Knowledge of hiring laws and guidelines, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act and harassment laws, is important.

Other attributes necessary for success include discretion and cultural sensitivity, the ability to relate to and communicate with people of different levels of education, and an ethical and congenial personality. Most entry-level jobs in human resources management require a bachelor's degree. Prospective personnel specialists can prepare for a career in the industry by studying principles of management, collective bargaining, organizational behavior, industrial psychology, labor laws, labor economics and labor history.

Pay, Benefits and Auditing of the Navy

Military pay, travel entitlements and deductions, and personnel records are also determined, maintained and audited by PSs. They prepare accounting reports for travel and pay transactions. PSs help enlisted people and their families with special problems.

Navy recruits attend technical training after boot camp. The school for personnel specialists is in Mississippi and consists of five weeks of training. The Navy's website shows that there are 500 students in the school at any given time, and 5,000 Navy and Marines personnel graduate each year.

The military pays personnel specialists according to their rank. Enlisted personnel have nine different pay categories, with the "E" standing for "enlisted". Each category has different levels of pay.

PSs with less than four months of experience would be rated E-1 and would earn $1,554 per month in 2019. People who gain years of experience and rise through the ranks will get pay increases. The highest pay rate is $8,241.90 a month for E-9 personnel with more than 40 years of experience.

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A Survey on Personnel Specialists

A Personnel Specialist needs to be able to speak to an audience and create a reputation for themselves. A Personnel Specialist needs to be good at making the right decision at the right time and for the right reasons, and they need to prioritize the work correctly to ensure excellent results are delivered. A Personnel Specialist should encourage his workers and provide all the requirements for the workplace to ensure a positive attitude is maintained by the employees that can help them get a promotion, succeed on projects, meet goals and enjoy the job more.

A Personnel Specialist needs to be confident and self-assured to be able to put his points across without upsetting others or becoming angry and allow his employees to do the same. A Personnel Specialist needs to be able to manage his emotions and help the staff to control their emotions to ensure that the professional reputation, efficiency, and productivity is not compromised. A Personnel Specialist is liable to maintain a high level of consistency and reliability by engaging with employees and treating them with respect deserved which produces excellent results in various kinds of reliability coefficients.

A Personnel Specialist needs to train his employees to see the missing element in any project and take the opportunity to do business out of it. A Personnel Specialist should make sure that all the different boundaries are laid out for everyone to follow and understand the consequences of default. A Personnel Specialist should be challenged to see the big picture and think outside the box to fight the challenges that come with it and to build great teams in the workplace.

Background Investigations and Personnel Security

To ensure success, personnel security specialists should have experience in background investigations and be able to interpret security related information. A personnel security specialist will be someone who has investigative skills that result in reliable security clearance recommendations.

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A Navy Experience

You can serve your country and see the world in the Navy, but you will also learn valuable skills to aid you in your career after the Navy.

A Professional Personnel Specialist

The Personnel Specialist has a lot of knowledge of personnel records maintenance. Accurately and completely audit personnel files for completeness and accuracy is what this person does. An Associate's Degree in Human Resources Management and more than eleven years of experience as a Personnel Specialist make him a good choice for this job.

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