Pipeline Integrity Manager Job Description


Author: Lorena
Published: 14 Mar 2020

Integrity Management of Oil and Gas Pipelines, Asset Integrity Management and more about pipeline integrity manager job. Get more data about pipeline integrity manager job for your career planning.

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Integrity Management of Oil and Gas Pipelines

All the necessary tools and processes are now in place and available to operators around the world to improve their integrity management systems. Operators and the environment are at risk of safety risks with the management of the pipes. The Ontario Energy Board determined that the proposed TransCanada oil line would pose more risks than rewards.

The regulations regarding dent severity have been governed by one of two metrics. Plain dents with a depth of up to 6% of the nominal diameter are allowed in both gas and liquid pipes. The pigging industry has developed a lot of techniques and technologies, and it is likely that there are few pipes in the world that can't be cleaned and inspected.

The characterization of the special conditions of the Keystone XL would beneficial for the early detection of flaws in the spill prevention plans. Inspectioneering spoke with Tom Wanzeck, Vice President of Integrity Services with Willbros Group. Inc.

Tom had been managing assets on the owner-operator side for more than 20 years. Even though oil and gas facilities are generally safer for people and the environment than other means of transportation, there are occasional leaks and failures due to defects. As the oil and gas industry matured, regulators and the public became more aware of the risks inherent in the business and increasingly required the owners of the pipes to demonstrate and document the safe and environmental acceptability.

Regulatory compliance is the main driver of the integrity management programs. Operators of all sizes are looking for ways to reduce expenditures related to safety. The ability to detect damage to pipes is of interest to the operators of the pipes.

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Asset Integrity Management

The Asset Integrity Business Unit is responsible for the safe, efficient and effective execution of integrity engineering in both On and offshore assets. To make sure that the offshore and onshore personnel are reassured that the legislation and company Integrity Management policies are implemented and complied with. To work with the asset management On and offshore team to review the integrity management of Assess, Inspect and repair performance as a factor in the management of major accident Hazards.

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