Pool Manager Job Description


Author: Richelle
Published: 12 Feb 2019

Swimming Pool Managers, Managing Health and Safety in Swimming Pools, The Cost of Swimming Pools, Project Management, Employee satisfaction in skill pools and more about pool manager job. Get more data about pool manager job for your career planning.

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Swimming Pool Managers

Swimming pool managers work in community sports facilities, college sports centers or private clubs where they are responsible for the management and safe operation of open air and indoor pools. They offer basic instruction and coaching to help swimmers of all levels. Managers need good communication and Interpersonal skills to manage their employees.

They need to know how to develop their team's skills. Managers must be good organizers with the ability to prepare timetables that make the best use of the facilities and meet demand from different types of users. They need good marketing skills to ensure that the pool can meet its revenue and profit targets.

A swimming pool has to be safe. Managers plan work schedules so that the pool has enough lifeguards to cover all times. They organize training to make sure employees are aware of safety issues and have the right rules to swim in.

Managers ensure that water quality is in line with state standards by conducting regular chemical tests. Managers recruit coaches and instructors to help their customers. Basic instruction for non- swimmers, coaching for competitive swimmers and classes for different age groups are some of the things they may offer.

They can arrange instruction in other aquatic sports. Pool managers produce promotional materials to encourage participation. They keep in touch with schools and colleges to encourage swimming.

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Managing Health and Safety in Swimming Pools

Operators need to protect pool users from real risk without limiting pool activities, so that a visit to a swimming pool should be enjoyable. Risk management principles are important in swimming pool management. There are no laws for swimming pools.

Swimming pool operators must comply with their general duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. The law does not say what safety measures an operator must put in place. Each operator must make their own judgements about the risks in their pool.

The Cost of Swimming Pools

The procedure for laying down rules and regulations for swimming pools varies from community to community. The rules and regulations will be set collectively by the HOA. Rules and guidelines from other pools may be used by other associations.

The pool management company has a challenge with maintaining appropriate staffing levels. Transient pool employees are a large part of the pool staff. Consider lifeguards.

How many people are involved in running a pool? The amount of money the homeowner's association is willing to spend and community size are some of the factors that can affect how many employees are hired. Contractors are not the only ones who need to have coverage.

The sparkling pool their residents enjoy so much isn't setting them up for catastrophic loss is something that homeowners associations need to assess their risk and confer with their insurer to make sure. The amount of a pool that impacts an association's bottom line depends on how it is rated. It definitely has an impact, but it is not a driving factor in their premium unless they have a large loss or extensive claims history.

Plumbing, pumps, and other technical equipment in swimming pools may need repair occasionally. Many pool management companies do not handle repairs themselves, but they do have to contract an outside company to do the work. It can cost anywhere from $500 to $30,000 to fix a mechanical problem.

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Project Management

Project managers begin each project by defining the main objectives, purpose and scope. They identify key internal and external stakeholders, discuss expectations, and gain the required authorization to move a project forward.

Employee satisfaction in skill pools

The move to skill pools is a way to use staff's talents more effectively and efficiently, but also more flexible. A quantitative and qualitative snapshot of the professionals working within your organization can be found in skill pools. You need a selection method to put the right people in the right place at the right time and create high- performance teams.

A skill pool has many options for a transparent evaluation system. The skill pool management results in greater employee satisfaction. People like receiving personal attention and respond positively when they are treated like a human being rather than a job description.

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Hiring from Existing Pools

It is an efficient way to hire from existing pools. The hiring managers can save time and resources by selecting qualified candidates from pools established by them. The hiring manager may use the assessment results for the merit criteria listed on the original advertisement when hiring from an existing pool. The hiring manager is responsible for making sure that merit is met.

Training Pool Service Technicians

Trained pool service technicians are able to treat and maintain swimming pool water. They are mainly responsible for testing the pool water's pH, treating the water with chemicals and fixing any cracks or leaks in the swimming pool structure. To be successful as a pool service technician, you need to have good knowledge of swimming pool equipment and maintenance, be able to work with hazardous chemicals, and be friendly with clients.

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The Role of Pool Attendants in the Leisure Industry

Pool attendants are responsible for maintaining the aquatic recreational area. They are employed by hotels and apartment complexes. Pool attendants are not lifeguards.

They are expected to help lifeguards in helping swimmers in danger. They are expected to ensure they are within safety requirements at all times. The role of pool attendant doesn't require any education past a high school degree.

It isn't a requirement if candidates are certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation or are lifeguards in training. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says demand for Recreation Workers will rise by 10 percent through the year of 2024. Pool attendants need observational skills to maintain a safe recreational environment.

They have to be paying attention to interactions between guests. Pool attendants use their communication skills in a variety of ways. They use their skills to diffuse conflicts.

They use verbal communication skills to have positive interactions with pool guests. The national average salary for pool attendants is $18,250. Those at the bottom of the scale make $17,000, while those at the top of the scale make $24,000.

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