Recreational Arts Instructors Job Description


Author: Artie
Published: 12 Jan 2020

Recreation Workers in Sports and Recreation Facilities, Group Activities in Public, Private and Volunteer Agencies, Martial Arts Instructors, Teaching Martial Arts and more about recreational arts instructors job. Get more data about recreational arts instructors job for your career planning.

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Recreation Workers in Sports and Recreation Facilities

Recreation workers help people stay active, improve their fitness and have fun. They work with groups in summer camps, fitness and recreational sports centers, nursing care facilities, nature parks and other settings. They may lead activities such as arts and crafts, sports, music, dramatics, or games.

Recreation leaders are responsible for the daily operation of the program. They primarily organize and direct participants, schedule the use of facilities, set up and keep records of equipment use, and ensure that recreation facilities and equipment are used and maintained properly. They can lead classes and teach in a recreational activity.

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Group Activities in Public, Private and Volunteer Agencies

Group activities can be done in public, private, or volunteer agencies. Taking into account the needs and interests of individual members, organize and promote activities such as arts and crafts, sports, games, music, dramatics, social recreation, camping, and hobbies.

Martial Arts Instructors

Martial arts training is a great way to stay fit and develop discipline. Martial arts instructors teach fighting and self-defense techniques to children and adults of all ages. Instructors must plan classes to fit the skill level of their students.

New techniques, sparring, meditation, stretching, conditioning, and discussing the history of the art are some of the things that might be included in a class. Instructors should be available to speak with students before and after class to make sure they are on track to reach their goals. Instructors administer exams for students to advance.

Instructors will travel to compete. Instructors in martial arts studios are usually in the same building. Some classes are held in gymnasiums.

They work in the afternoon or evening, although some schools offer morning or lunch time classes. They attend classes and compete on the weekends. Instructors must devote time to their own training.

The martial arts school has different requirements. Some schools do not require certification beyond belt rank. Many schools have their own courses.

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Teaching Martial Arts

To be successful as a martial arts instructor, you should make lessons fun and engaging, while encouraging a deep respect for yourself and others. Students will develop confidence in their abilities when they have an outstanding martial arts instructor.

Program Leaders and Instructor in Recreation, Sport & Fitness

Program leaders and instructors in recreation, sport and fitness lead and instruct groups and individuals. They are employed by community centres, sports and fitness clubs, outdoor centres, resorts, recreational facilities, health care facilities, retirement homes, correctional institutions, government departments, private businesses, tourism associations and similar establishments.

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Instructors-In Training

Instructors will be considered "Fitness Instructors-In-Training" and will be team-teach classes with returning Instructors until they are ready to teach their own classes. Instructors can begin teaching in the summer or fall. The fitness instructors are responsible for leading safe and effective fitness classes.

They want to design classes that encourage participation and educate patrons on the benefits of exercise. The mission and goals of the Recreational Sports Fitness Program must be demonstrated by the fitness instructors. Instructors are required to work with the fitness instructors in training and are encouraged to be involved with instructor training sessions

Tutoring and Supervision in the Elementary School System

Instructs and organizes activities such as child care and school homework, serves and cleans up after meals, and helps with personal care services.

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Fitness and Health Skills for Outdoor Recreation Guides

Excellent fitness and health are required for outdoor recreation guides and instructors. They must be strong because they may have to do physical activities such as walking, cycling, ski or ride long distances. Senior roles may be available for outdoor recreation guides and instructors, or they may set up their own businesses. They may teach at outdoor recreation centers.

Recreation Leaders

Recreation leaders are in charge of the program. They primarily organize and direct participants, schedule the use of facilities, set up and keep records of equipment use, and ensure that recreation facilities and equipment are used and maintained properly. They can lead classes and teach in a recreational activity.

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Certificate in Adventure Tourism and Recreation

The Certificate in Adventure Tourism and Recreation program at VIU will help you get a career in the wilderness. You will learn about tourism in BC in your outdoor classroom. You can learn with experienced instructors who will teach you in a small class setting and give you hands-on training in the field.

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