Therapeutic Recreation Aide Job Description


Author: Lorena
Published: 11 Jan 2020

Assisted Therapeutic Recreation Assistants, The TR Foundation: A Professional Network for Physical Rehabilitation and Health, A Recreation Assistant's Role in the Office of a Recreation Director and more about therapeutic recreation aide job. Get more data about therapeutic recreation aide job for your career planning.

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Assisted Therapeutic Recreation Assistants

A recreational therapist is assisted by a therapeutic recreation assistant. A recreational therapist is a person who uses physical activity and recreation to provide therapy. People seek therapy to recover motor function after an injury, learn proper socializing, or improve mental health.

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The TR Foundation: A Professional Network for Physical Rehabilitation and Health

TR is to enable all individuals to achieve quality of life and optimal health through meaningful participation in recreation and leisure. The profession supports all individuals in having full access to and the freedom to choose recreation and leisure opportunities.

A Recreation Assistant's Role in the Office of a Recreation Director

A recreation assistant works under the supervision of a recreation director. The director may choose to delegate some of his work to an assistant. The amount of work is left to the individual director. In some cases, a recreation assistant might be required to perform the job of a recreation director in the event of a director's absence.

See also our column about Therapeutic Recreation Specialist job guide.

Post-secondary programs in recreational therapy assistants

To become a recreational therapy assistant, you need to find a post-secondary program in recreational therapy. The programs at the university level are more theoretical and require a recreational therapist to become one. The therapy assistant programs are usually one to two years in length and combine classroom and work experience terms.

When choosing a program to become a recreational therapy assistant, check the schools' links to community organizations, the types of work terms available and the level of interaction with the recreational therapist training programs. The number of work terms available and the quality of work terms have a direct impact on the opportunities available to you and the experiences that can be added to your resume. A dedicated work term is offered by almost all recreational therapy assistant programs.

Work placement programs give you the chance to gain experience under the supervision of a recreational therapist. Senior centers, programs for the delayed and disabled, and rehabilitation centers are possible locations. The work term is a great place to get experience and get some references.

The Treatment Plans of a Patient

The patient treatment plans are developed by therapeutic recreation specialists. The therapeutic recreation specialist considers many factors when developing a treatment plan, including mobility, mental and social capabilities, pain levels, and desired outcomes. The therapeutic recreation specialist reviews the treatment plan with the patient before therapy begins.

To support patient outcomes, therapeutic recreation specialists may need to change their treatment plans or introduce new therapies. A patient working on social or behavior skills may need tailored outings to get more comfortable in public settings, while a therapeutic recreation specialist who determines that a patient is suffering from depression or anxiety may need to refer them to a psychiatrist or counselor. While an associate degree is good for therapeutic recreation specialists, most care facilities prefer candidates with a bachelor's degree in a field like recreation and leisure studies.

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The Best Recreation Therapists

The best recreation therapists know how to heal and change lives. Those entering the field have a sense of the power of recreation. Why would they choose a different field?

A dentist that doesn't like teeth is like a recreation therapist that doesn't like recreation. Great Recreation Therapists realize the impact their programming has on their participants even during the most challenging days. Recreation Therapists see things that others don't.

They have a unique perspective on using recreation to improve lives. Recreation Therapists find new ways to use recreation for their participants' best interests when they develop therapeutic relationships with clients. Getting participants out of their comfort zones is a great way to address need areas.

Quality recreation programming reaches people in ways other disciplines don't. Being creative and adaptable could turn a bad moment into a good one. Great Recreation Therapists think on their feet from groups, outings, and individual therapy.

They handle challenges and changes in stride and use their best judgement to make sure their programming is in line with their clients' needs. Recreation Therapists have leadership roles. A strong leader is needed to be successful in facilitating groups, educating coworkers, and directing volunteers.

Recreational Therapists in the United States

The recreational therapists plan and oversee the programs for the disabled. They include a lot of different activities such as music, dance, sports, games, and arts and crafts. They can travel with their clients on field trips, even though they work indoors.

They must have special skills to keep their charges safe. Employers prefer to hire therapists with specific skills. Therapy must show compassion as clients and their families deal with painful and stress-inducing conditions.

They must communicate well, listen to client concerns, and speak persuasively when giving instructions. Leadership is important because therapists must plan activities and be able to carry them out efficiently, on schedule and within budget. Critical thinking helps professionals find solutions to problems and adapt activities to client abilities.

A bachelor's degree in therapeutic recreation is required for recreational therapists to learn their skills. The National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification certified the programs. Their subjects include human anatomy, medical and psychiatric terminology, assessments, characteristics of illnesses and disabilities, and use of therapeutic devices, such as wheelchairs and cupholders.

The internship is necessary for the diploma because it gives the student hands-on experience in a field where they must interact with people. Oklahoma, North Carolina, Utah and New Hampshire all required recreational therapists to have a license. Most employers hire therapists who are certified because they have the skills that are up to industry standards.

See our report on Physical Therapy Aide career guide.

Recreation Assistants: Qualification, Experience and Qualification

Recreation assistants are hired to help with daily activities at senior citizen centers, athletic clubs, physical therapy centers, youth camps and fitness organizations. A supervisor is responsible for delegate tasks related to sports, games, movies, crafts, music and other recreation. The recreation assistants are responsible for setting up equipment and cleaning up after an event.

A recreation assistant doesn't need a formal education. Some facilities hire high school students to work. A recreation assistant helps to enforce the rules.

A recreation assistant could teach children the rules for table tennis or referee a ball game. Recreation assistants should be comfortable working with both the elderly and youth populations and have good customer service, communication and public speaking skills. A patient and positive attitude makes it easier to give assistance to customers.

Entry-level positions are available, but employers often seek recreation assistants who have one to two years of experience. Education and experience are beneficial to the job, but an assistant's friendly personality, creativity, and responsibility level are highly valued by supervisors. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that most seasonal and part-time recreation workers learn through on-the-job training or specialized training in art, music, drama or athletics.

Therapeutic Recreation Aid

Plans, develops and implements individual and group general recreation programs to improve the functioning of patients with a variety of physical, cognitive, social, emotional, and age related needs. The therapeutic recreation aide will perform a variety of tasks in order to ensure the successful provision of services related to leisure, technology, health and well-being.

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